BISP Scholarship Update 11 July 2024

BISP Scholarship: After completing the survey, the federal government increased the cash stipend under the Benezaar Income Support Program (BISP) sponsorship initiative for families in the list of beneficiaries.

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The BISP quarterly payment under the sponsorship program has been increased to Rs 10,500 for eligible families to ease inflation and skyrocketing food prices.

The government has also increased the education stipend for students and the Nshinoma stipend for women and their newborn children.

BISP Scholarship Update

The education stipend will be Rs 2,500 for female students in primary and Rs 3,500 and Rs 4,500 for secondary and higher secondary students respectively.

Class             Amount for female students Amount for male students

  • Initial Rs 2,500 Rs 2,000
  • Secondary Rs.3,500 Rs.3,000
  • Higher Secondary Rs.4,500 Rs.4,000

The government has said that an additional bonus of Rs 3,000 will be given to female students on completion of primary.

Eligibility criteria for similar sponsorship programs

Beneficiaries of the “The Binzeer Sponsorship Program” were identified/selected through the scientific method of Proxy Means Test (PMT) through the National Socio-Economic Register (NSER) survey.

A household’s well-being is determined on a PMT scale of 0-100. The PMT cut-off score for eligibility is decided by the BISP Board based on the available financial position. All families who fall within the approved PMT cut-off score are given cash assistance under the Benazir Kafala programme.

The current PMT cutoff score of 32 was approved by the BISP Board in its 52nd meeting on 11 July 2024 23, 2021. However, for families with different abilities, the PMT cut-off score for eligibility is set at 37.

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