BISE Faisalabad Gazette All the students are in a rush to check their 10th class results. But you can solve all their problems in one file – BISE Faisalabad Gazette .
You can download the PDF file of BISE Faisalabad Gazette and check the results of your friends at once. How do you do this, and where can you download the gazette file? This article will try to answer all these questions.
Once you go to this post, you can check the results of thousands of students from BISE Faisalabad. Do you want to know how you do it? Well, continue reading the article.
Download BISE Faisalabad Gazette Matric Gazette PDF.

So, how do you download a gazette file? Let me give you a quick tour. It will be quick in 5 steps. So bear with me.
- First, you need to go to the result date website.
- On the result date, you may find a file on the result page that will open automatically. Download it from there.
- But if you can’t find it there, click on the logo to visit the main page.
- Once you are on the website, check the notification section. If you see it there, download it.
- If it is not available, go to the results section and download it from there.
BISE Lahore Gazette 1st Year 2nd Year
We have also updated the results for the Federal Board.
Download BISE Faisalabad Board Class 12 Result Gazette PDF For the online annual exam. 2nd year 1st 2nd annual and supply test Inter Part 2, HSSC Part 2 Result Available for Bisefsd Board immediately after announced by official board. Check your Inter Part 2, HSSC Part 2 Gazette Online.
All the students of the second year are informed that the results of the twelfth class Faisalabad board will be announced on 11 July 2024 21, 2023, at 10 am.
We strongly encourage students to quickly access the Class 12 Comprehensive Result and also review the Class 12 Journal, both of which can be found on our website. This page will keep you updated with every development related to the Second Year Results for Faisalabad Board .
Board | Faisalabad |
Class | ۱۲م |
the year | 2023 |
Type of test | Second Annual |
12th class exam date | 11 July 2024 |
Result status | announced |
Result date | 21 11 July 2024 |
Methods to Check Faisalabad Board 2nd Year Result
If you want to check BISE Faisalabad Result through various means, you can explore the following options:
- Roll no
- the name
- Gazette
By roll no
To access Faisalabad Board Class 12 Result through your roll number, follow these steps:
- Visit the official website.
- Click on the “Results” option.
- Enter your roll number and select session ” ” to check your result.
Via SMS:
If you face network connectivity issues on the day of the result, checking BISE Faisalabad Class 12 Result via SMS is a simple and quick alternative. Here are the steps:
- Set up a text message with your roll number.
- Send it to code 800240.
- Within 15 minutes, you will receive a message containing your result information.
By Journal:
Faisalabad Board 2nd Year Result is available in Result Gazette which you can download in PDF format. One hour after the announcement of the result, the result sheet will be published on the website. Students who prefer to check their results through the result journal can do so using this method.
NASTP NTS Result 11 July 2024 Answer Key, Merit List
Faisalabad Board Result Key Points:
- Total number of students in Class XII: 550.
- To get higher rank, 12th class students should aim for high marks.
- The board releases the annual results approximately three months after the final exams are over.
- English, Urdu and Pakistan Studies are compulsory subjects in the second year.
- Class XII students will be allotted 3 hours for each paper except Pakistan Studies.
Now that you have the gazette file, you can check your results. Make sure you use your PC or laptop to access this file. Otherwise, it will take a long time to load. There are hundreds of pages. So it is better to use your laptop.
We hope you get the results you want. But if not, let’s not get upset over it. The best course of action is to work hard and get a good score in Intermediate Part 1.