Aiou Result By Roll Number , Allama Iqbal Open University has released the AIOU Results based on Roll Numbers for the year . The results can be checked at Students can access their AIOU results using their respective roll numbers for the years 2021 to on Alternatively, you can visit AIOU’s official website,, and directly access the AIOU Result through the provided link. Those awaiting the AIOU Result for the year based on roll numbers will find it available here.
Students who participated in the annual semester exams at Allama Iqbal Open University can now verify their AIOU Matric Result for the year . The Master of Arts degree program at AIOU encompasses various degree programs listed in the syllabus. These exams are integral to completing the degree, certifying students’ expertise in their chosen fields of study.
How can I check my BA result in AIOU?

For individuals interested in applying to Allama-Iqbal Open University, the announcement of the Allama-Iqbal Open University results in 2021 holds significant importance. Those looking to ascertain their achievements in AIOU’s BA, B.Ed, or B.Sc programs for the years 2021 to can do so.
AIOU Result By Roll Number is available for various programs such as Matric, FA, BA, and MA. The results for FA, BA, and MA Urdu can be viewed using the roll number. Access to Aiou Result By Roll Number is provided for all programs. The process for checking the results is detailed at the bottom of the post.
How can I check my enrollment in AIOU?

The AIOU Semester Result for the year has been made accessible. Results for BA, BSC, and BED exams are now downloadable. Additionally, Aiou Result By Roll Number Card for MA and MSC MED is available for download. Students from various programs can access their results here. Details about the AIOU Semester and Autumn Results are also provided.
Stay updated with AIOU Results through this platform. The Allama Iqbal Open University result announcements for 2021-22 are provided here to motivate students. Challenges related to finding results are addressed, with assistance provided to access AIOU Results by roll number on
How can I find my AIOU username and password?
To access Semester-wise Details, Complete History, and Provisional certificates online, visit this page. Input your Roll Number and select the program to view the Result Detail for Semester Autumn . The latest updates on Allama Iqbal Open University results are available on the official AIOU management’s announcements.
The AIOU Result for MA Urdu can be accessed by registering at The AIOU Matric Result is available on this platform as well. For AIOU Spring 2021 Bed Result, students can view results by name or roll number shortly after their announcement.
How I can check my BA result?
For ease of access, the Allama Iqbal Open University Result Card Aiou Result By Roll Number is downloadable through a provided link. Provisional Result Cards are also available for download.

AIOU’s role in providing affordable education through distance learning is acknowledged, making it an attractive choice for those unable to pursue expensive education in private universities in Pakistan.
Aiou Result
For more updates on ADMISSIONS, Results, Date Sheets, Roll No. For slips, Degree Tracking System, Degree Verification System, Assignment Marks, and Assignment Schedules, visit Aiou Result By Roll Number Information on the new results for Matric, FA, BA, and MA Urdu will be updated when announced by Allama Iqbal Open University.
To check your Allama Iqbal Open University Result by Roll Number:
- Visit the official Allama Iqbal Open University website.
- Go to the result tab and click on it.
- Enter your roll number.
- Your result will appear in your browser window.
- To print your result card, press Ctrl+P.
AIOU’s Previous Results from 2002 to can be downloaded for reference. Allama Iqbal Open University results for various programs such as Matric, Intermediate, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, ATTC, BSc Nursing, BSC, Postgraduate, and Diploma courses can be found on this page. Additionally, fall/summer semester results can be checked using roll numbers on
Aiou Result Ba
AIOU Matric Result for the Spring and Autumn semesters is available for online checking. The university follows a two-semester system, with results announced around 11 11 July 2024 for the spring semester and 11 11 July 2024 or 11 July 2024 for the autumn semester.

Allama Iqbal Open University’s emphasis on distance education is reflected in its comprehensive undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines. Established in 1974, AIOU is Asia’s first open university, offering education in philosophy, natural science, and social sciences.
For the latest updates on Allama Iqbal Open University Spring/Autumn Admissions, Date Sheets, Roll No. For slips, Results, Tutor Names and addresses, Assignment Marks, and Workshop Schedules, visit the official website. for Aiou Result By Roll Number Contact details for Allama Iqbal Open University are provided for further inquiries.
Aiou Contact Detail
Address | Admission department Block No.4 A.I.O.U H/8 Islamabad |
Phone | 051-9057404 | | |
Gmail | |
Helpline Number | 042-99333578, 042-99333579, 042-99333580 |